colour consultation



Discover the energy and vibrancy that colour theory can bring into your life and style.  A colour consultation with Stacey is quite possibly one of the most enlightening life experiences you will ever encounter.  

During a personal colour consultation, aka ‘getting your colours done’, Stacey will take you way beyond what a traditional colour consultation entails.  She will help you to recognise the harmony between what you wear and your natural colouring, leading to a pleasurable and sustainable style that is truly you. 

colour consultation

Colour Consultation

Stacey’s approach to colour analysis is very unique. Coming from a background as a hairdresser and makeup artist, she has trained with many style and colour academies internationally.  These include Colour Me Beautiful, The Australian Image Academy, The International Image Institute, Colour Designers International, Image Innovators, Jan Fisher, Susanne Parsons and Colour by Rochelle (in the Susan Caygill Method). 

After a personalised colour consult with Stacey, you will feel more confident with what you wear, because you will understand the true essence of your attractiveness.  You discover an alignment between who you are and how you dress that you never imagined possible. 

Understanding colours, textures, levels of contrast, layering techniques and so much more will give you a confidence to make thoughtful buying decisions, which helps to ensure your wardrobe feels always cohesive and enjoyable. 


  Two hour consultation, resulting in your personalised colour palette and colour guidelines to take away 

colour consultation
colour consultant app

Online Colour Analysis

Online colour consultation involves revolutionary technology that puts professional colour consulting at your fingertips. After remote collaboration with Stacey, you get a simple and effective way to guide your clothing, hair and makeup choices, based on the colours that look best on you.

An alternative to an in-person colour analysis session with Stacey, the online personal colour analysis service suits those who live out of Auckland or want the added benefit of access to their colour guide through a personalised phone app. 

Stacey will collaborate with you remotely to analyse your colours using her unique method, which draws from a number of globally-recognised colour analysis systems. Then you’ll receive access to an Android or iPhone app that stores all your best colours, fabrics, prints, jewellery, hair and makeup recommendations. Having this information instantly on hand makes it easier to shop for new purchases and make good choices from your existing wardrobe. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of styling yourself each day.


  Personal colour analysis online and personalised phone app.