late bloomer



A package designed specifically for the individual who has realised “it is never too late” to truly discover your personal style and understand the essence of who you are.  In this package you will discover the colours and styles that work for you now. You’ll also gain an enlightened understanding of your personal style.

late bloomer package

Whether you are a newcomer to discovering your style or a seasoned fashion lover, there will come a time in your life when a little help from an expert can help to launch the next stage in life.  Stacey has worked with many women over many decades and has had the pleasure of journeying through life with them and navigating changes in body shape, hair colour, skin textures and so much more. 

In your time with Stacey she will draw on this knowledge and wisdom to help you find new ways of doing things that perhaps you had not thought of.She will enlighten you around style techniques, accessorising, hair and makeup and give you guidance in any area that you are struggling with.  Best of all, she will help you to discover your future style and learn how to bring it into reality.

Stacey is a self-confessed ‘late bloomer’ and it is her greatest pleasure to share her style expertise and applied wisdom with you.  Beauty has the ability to transform our lives and it can be deeply healing. Investing in the power of transformation is always a good decision.

Late bloomer package